Tyler Hobbs’ essay on “Flow Fields” delves into the use of flow fields in generative art, a technique he frequently employs. He explains the basics, including creating a grid of angles on a canvas and drawing curves through this field. Different methods for starting points and vector distortions, such as Perlin Noise, are explored. Hobbs also discusses combining flow fields with other techniques and experimenting beyond standard approaches. The essay is both a technical guide and an encouragement for artistic creativity in algorithmic artwork....
My own project
Has anyone made a read-only FUSE filesystem for a git repository where every commit is a folder and the folder contains all the files in that commit?
The idea is that you could just run cd COMMIT_ID and poke around instead of checking out the commit and maybe the branches could be symbolic links to the commit folders?
Git Mounter
Another explainer on a fun, esoteric topic: optimizing code with SIMD (single instruction multiple data, also sometimes called vectorization). Designing a good, fast, portable SIMD algorithm is not a simple matter and requires thinking a little bit like a circuit designer.
Designing a SIMD Algorithm from Scratch
x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022
how to enable a 64 bit visual cpp toolset on the command line