Linki powiązane: 300+ Dokumentów poszerzających nasz horyzont –

October 16, 2014

DMTCP distributed multithreaded checkpointing

October 5, 2014

Understanding Hybrid Concurrency Models

September 13, 2014

Papers to read – papers we love

Repo for good papers to read. What was the last paper within the realm of computing you read and loved? What did it inspire you to build or tinker with? Come share the ideas in an awesome academic/research paper with fellow engineers, programmers, and paper-readers. Lead a session and show off code that you wrote that implements these ideas or just give us the lowdown about the paper (because of HARD MATH!...

September 2, 2014

[lang] JavaScript Guide – JavaScript

Niby trywialne, ale warto czasem przypomnieć sobie co i jak. Jeszcze do tego powinien dojść link do typowych błędów pojawiających się w kodzie.

August 27, 2014